Being exam time and all, we all tend to take study breaks. You know to refresh the mind, so that it can tolerate sleepless nights of tormenting and torture. Stay alive on the precious caffeine. I basically just spend my study breaks jumping or running and slamming myself into the wall or just eat. Weird as it maybe, it was just coincidence that it snowed the night before my first exam and the whole ground was covered in virgin snow. Sparkling, clear and clean virgin snow. It was then, that I got this wicked idea of writing my name in snow:) using....umm lets say, biological ink. Have a look...
Exams have started and that means an end to LAF for the semester. I am goin to miss them kids for the holidays...sniff. Actually, I wont miss them too much. Anyways heres a pic and a vid of the kid I mentor, Dymon. He dosent like basketball. I cannot freakin believe it. Its stuff like that which proves universal facts false. Its a universal anomaly. You will know why, once you see the pic and use those powers of deduction (stereotype).
Orange sky / Windy skies Shifting sands / Dusty lies Lost king / Uncertain soul Unworthy search? / Killing vows Elusive words / Flying whores Dying king / Flying soul Numerous promises / Unspoken selfishness Journey where? / Desert Sculpture Deceipt everywhere / Expected sorrow Faithful company / Lost hope Near madness / Near end Destined desire / Never satisfed Choice presented / Mistake made Water death / Desert sculpture Shining king / Sculpted king Lost wanderer / Uncertain soul Same blood / Wearing gold Desert Sculpture / Seeking all
Adel Sheikh
There are more than a half-dozen ways to read this poem, enjoy :)
When the night feels my song - Bedouin Sound Clash
Long ass time since I posted, my bad. About the title its what Tarrie told me, people in Grenada say in songs. Its the equivalent of saying that something is wicked. I don't care as long as it sounds cool:)
Been doing pretty much nothing recently. Exams start on the 6th and I say goodbye to this land of Canada temporarily on the 14th, cuz i believe I can fly to LA. Celebrating Eid with familia. "Because a man who dosent take care of his family can never be a real man". Amazing quote from The Godfather.
LAF has been going quite amazing, love it and wish I can do it during 2nd sem.
Big Happy Bday to Elian a.k.a Elaine/Elianna !!! Amazing night at Inside (T.O), must check out place for people who havent been there.
Took me long enough, but now I have got some free time to finish off the list...enjoy!!
6. American History X: A brutal Neo Nazi skinhead named Derek Vinyard (Edward Norton) is tried and sent to prison for three years for the murder of two black guys who tried to steal his truck. When he returns from prison reformed, his younger brother Daniel Vinyard (Edward Furlong) who idolizes him is on the brink of becoming a Neo Nazi himself. Derek must save his younger brother from a similar fate. The scence I am talking about is ofcourse the 'curb' killing scene. It was for lack of a better word the most innovative way a person has been disposed off in a movie. Some kids actually imitated this and the dude on the receiving end is paralysed for life. DO NOT TRY THIS!! Anyway enjoy the scene...
7. Batoru rowaiaru a.k.a Battle Royale: A random class of Japanese ninth grade student are - in this fictional universe - randomly selected by a fascist government lottery. They become kidnapped and forced onto an isolated island, where they are equipped with food, water, a map and a random weapon. On the island, they have to compete in a violent death match game till only one single victor remain. The movie starts innocent enough but all the random killing done by these kids throughout the movie is just shocking.
8. The Godfather: Vito Corleone (Brando) is the aging don of the Corleone Mafia Family. His youngest son Michale (Pacino) returns from WWII to get back to his life away from the family business. But due to a certain change of events he is forced to become the head of the family and reinstate the Corelone Family at the top. The final scene, where Michale gets baptized and at the same time his enemies are being slaughtered, makes it clear that the Don has returned and means business. My favourite ending to date.
9. Odishon a.k.a Audition: A lonely Japanese widower whose son is planning to move out of the house soon expresses his sadness to a friend and fellow film producer, who becomes inspired to hold an audition for a non-existent film so that the widower can select a new potential bride from the resulting audition pool. The widower ultimately becomes enamored with and fascinated by one particular young woman...but first impressions can often be horribly wrong. The scene when she is silently just sitting in the middle of the room for ages and then suddenly the sack just moves and the gore starts....
10. Psycho: For Marion Crane, it's been quite an eventful day. The day before, she had stolen $40,000 from her employer's client, packed her bags and driven all day on her way to join her paramour several hundred miles away. Now, she is taking a relaxing hot shower after her long day's journey. The remoteness of the motel suit her purposes perfectly. The only sounds heard are the chirping of the crickets, the splashing of the water, and her humming contentedly as the hot needles of water caress her aching shoulders. What happens after is history, Marion stabbed to her end and beginning this classic Hitchcock flick.
Finally I get the news that indoor cricket is starting, all ready and set to go to play and out of a possible 15 people only 4 show up. One of them comes cuz he has work soon. WTF!!
Anyways, I have been doing nothing recently. Just the usual ranting and studying and crap. Big Happy Bday to Khyati!!!
Was in downtown the other day, and randomly took a vid with my cell, it actually sucks but for those who do not know what downtown Hamilton looks like, ummm IT SUCKS!!
For the record I am in Hamilton cuz I love MAC. Its the sole reason for this city to exist and no matter what anyone says, if it wasn't for the university Hamilton would be a hobo joint. Good food though.
Does anybody remember those Tintin comics, well there are a couple of Tintin episodes on Google Vidz, check it out.
What have I been doing recently? Frankly I don't know. Bball, eating my meals regulary (either that or sleep regularly) and a sudden addiction to Samurai Jack. Gotta love that Aku, those of you who don't know what I am talking about Youtube it. My favourite right now is Jack and The Three Gems. Check it out...
6. Cidade de Deus: Two boys growing up in a violent neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro take different paths: one becomes a photographer, the other a drug dealer.Brutal murders, gang wars and a corrupt system....will it all end? Welcome to the City Of God
Quote: You need more than guts to be a good gangster, you need ideas.
7. Goodfellas: A Scorsese classic. The story of Irish-Italian American, Henry Hill (Liota), and how he lives day-to-day life as a member of the Mafia. Based on a true story, the plot revolves around Henry and his two unstable friends Jimmy (De Niro) and Tommy (Pesci) as they gradually climb the ladder of organised crime.
Quote: As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster.
8. Schindler's List: The true story of Oskar Schindler (Neeson), a German businessman who tried to make his fortune during the Second World War by exploiting cheap Jewish labour, but ended up penniless having saved over 1000 Polish Jews from almost certain death during the holocaust.
Quote: This list... is an absolute good. The list is life. All around its margins lies the gulf.
9. The Shawshank Redemption: Andy Dufresne (Robbins) is a young and successful banker whose life changes drastically when he is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and her lover. Set in the 1940's, the film shows how Andy, with the help of his friend Red (Freeman), the prison entrepreneur, turns out to be a most unconventional prisoner.
Quote: I believe in two things: discipline and the Bible. Here you'll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord; your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank.
10. The Departed: Two men from opposite sides of the law are undercover within the Massachusetts State Police and the Irish mafia, but violence and bloodshed boil when discoveries are made, and the moles are dispatched to find out their enemy's identities.
Quote: One of us had to die. With me, it tends to be the other guy.
1. The Usual Suspects: Kint (Spacey) is pressurised into explaining exactly what happened on the boat. His story begins six weeks earlier with five criminals being dragged in by New York police desperate for suspects. The scene starts with Kint leaving the precint and his transformation from a cripple to the criminal mastermind 'Keyser Soze'. I bet people wanted to rewind this scene when they saw it.
2. Sixth Sense: Malcolm Crowe (Willis) is under the impression that he is helping a young child (Osment) who can see dead people. It is a quite a good movie till the end, where it becomes a stroke of sheer genius. Dr Crowe is also on of those dead people.
3. Se7en: A film about two homicide detectives'(Pitt and Freeman) desperate hunt for a serial killer (Spacey) who justifies his crimes as absolution for the world's ignorance of the Seven Deadly Sins. The scene when the killer unveils his victim for envy and wrath. Couldn't get that exact scene but this is also good.
4.Reservoir Dogs: From the guy playing the worlds smallest violin to the very ending. This movie is a freaking roller coaster ride. A gang of thieves carry out an armed robbery on a Diamond warehouse. The police are after them so quickly that they suspect they have a rat in their company. The scence when everyone just freaks out and just shoots each other and Mr. Pink walks aways with the money.
5. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels: Four London working class stiffs pool their money to put one in a high stakes card game, but things go wrong and they end up owing half a million pounds and having one week to come up with the cash. The ending whether the group ends up with 2 million quid or not depends on a pair of old guns being dumped or not. A freaking shockin and hanging ending.